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    by Published on 12-06-2011 05:56 PM  Number of Views: 38761 
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    2. Wireless
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    When we picked up an old, but reliable, Dell Latitude D610 on a NewEgg Shell Shocker deal, I felt it would be the perfect time to do an old laptop upgrade wireless card shootout. The D610 still uses the old 32-bit Mini PCI Intel 2200BG wireless card, which is good for its time, but falling behind as it relates to wireless N. Upgrade options for this slot are slim as all new laptops are Mini PCI Express slots. This left me wondering why all of the upgrade options are sparse or non-existent. Was it just the new technology and abandonment of the old, or was it simply that the older laptop couldn't take advantage of wireless N anyway? I aimed to answer those questions with a Mini PCI wireless N in an old laptop shootout.
